Garden Bed Edging Ideas for Summer 2022

Estimated reading time: ~3 minutes

Contour Curbs and Edging has installed thousands of meters of decorative, sustainable concrete lawn edging throughout Calgary, Okotoks, Airdrie, and Chestermere. Yet even though every project we work on is unique, some have been truly special for their novel uses of our garden bed edging product!

It’s with these “outside the box” projects in mind that we present our top 4 list of garden bed curbing ideas for summer (and fall) of 2022.

When deciding on the right garden border edging options for your yard, there is a lot to consider!

You want landscape edging that is:

• Attractive • Built to last • Easy to work with when you’re gardening and mowing your lawn • Won’t get damaged by salt & shovels in the winter

Here at Contour Curbs and Edging, we specialize in providing Calgary with top-quality decorative concrete landscape edging that is specifically made to look great and withstand everything Calgary’s climate throws at it.

Our garden bed edging is not only among the most durable you can find, it’s also the most versatile.

Ideas Turned Into Reality

Our list of top garden bed edging ideas for this season are inspired by some of the most exceptional landscape edging projects that we’ve had the honour of completing for local Calgary homeowners. If you have a landscape border idea you want to explore then feel free to get in touch with us for a 100% free, zero-obligation quote.

  1. Decorative Focal Point Edging

Recently, we enjoyed serving a client who had something truly unique in mind – a decorative edging focus feature in the form of the Om symbol:

We have to admit, we’re incredibly proud of how nicely this project turned out! Huge thanks to the client for choosing us for this installation.

Now, when people think of decorative landscape edging, they almost always think of the traditional flower bed –> border –> grass installation, so this decorative focal point project really got us into thinking out of the box.

From elegant Om symbols to meditational labyrinth designs, creative edging ideas like this just go to show that landscape edging doesn’t always have to just be a border between flower beds and grass!

2. Edging for Designated Usage Areas

Another outside-the-box application for traditional garden bed edging in Calgary is as an innovative transitional landscape feature. In other words, to use garden and lawn edging to set aside a portion of your yard space for a specific purpose or function (outside of marking off a flower bed).

This firepit garden border project we completed a while back, just outside of Calgary’s city limits, used our concrete garden curbing to transition from lush greenscape to a dedicated social gathering spot.

Who says an RV pad has to be an eyesore?! This savvy homeowner chose to use our decorative concrete lawn edging to mark off the spot where their trailer is stored.

3. Utility Edging for Outdoor Structures

Not too long ago, we installed this lawn border edging solution to complement a residential greenhouse set-up:

For this lovely backyard greenhouse, our lawn border edging not only helps to elegantly outline a dedicated space; it also helps contain water drainage as well as the underlying drainage rock bed, preventing the rocks and pebbles from spilling out into the grass and getting chucked up by a lawnmower.

4. Making Room for Nature

In a world where our carbon footprint and urban sprawl keeps marching forward, it’s always good to dedicate some space to Mother Nature.

Sometimes this looks like a well-curated flower bed, but other times it looks like a modest patch of untamed land where property owners decide to let an “urban forest” grow.

The garden border edging we installed for this Calgary homeowner surrounds a small, diamond shaped oasis of local plants in the middle of what would otherwise be a big, solid slab of driveway.

Simply put, we install sustainable and beautiful concrete garden edging that is designed to meet (if not exceed) our clients’ expectations. If you have an idea you want to bring to life for your yard’s border edging then get in touch! We’re always happy to help.